Pic by Pic: Every Argentine LVTP-7 in Stanley

Inspired by Andrew Hill's article on the Argentine Landing, I decided to compile a small photographic collection of the Argentine LVTP-7s in action in Stanley. As published in Admiral Büsser's book Operación Rosario, the landing formation included 20 LVTP-7 amphibious APCs, and 1 LARC-V amphibious wheeled truck, designated VAR 15.

Click on pictures to enlarge


We'll list the vehicles in the same order as the formation, starting with VAO 05, back in the internal deck of ARA Cabo San Antonio, note that is still wet, these vehicles got into the waters of Stanley Harbour to get through the frontal ramp:

Source: https://www.infobae.com/fotos/2022/04/02/malvinas-40-anos-las-100-grandes-fotos-de-la-guerra-que-marco-para-siempre-la-historia-argentina/ 


Next is VAO 07, showing the scars of battle during the shootout in White City:

 VAO 19 is the third vehicle in the row, the ID number just is visible:

 VAO 10 carried the Army's RI25 detachment under Cnel. Seineldín command:

 VAO 11:
 VAO 16, second in the row:
VAO 01:

VAO 06:

Source: https://www.zona-militar.com/foros/threads/im%C3%A1genes-del-conflicto-de-malvinas-fotos.258/page-1784#post-2959811


VAO 14:

Source: https://www.gettyimages.es/detail/fotografía-de-noticias/the-falklands-war-in-port-stanley-grande-fotografía-de-noticias/110149196?adppopup=true

 VAO C1, the command vehicle, video taken by 60 Minutos TV news:

Source: https://youtu.be/2VilEW22yVI?t=473

VAO 12:

Source: https://www.cavok.com.br/falklands-malvinas-o-dia-em-que-as-falklands-foram-malvinas


VAO R1, the recovery vehicle, equipped with a crane and repair gear:

Source: http://fotosviejasdemardelplata.blogspot.com/2018/06/pedro-edgardo-giachino.html

The LARC-V wheeled trucks

The last vehicle of this formation was VAR 15, a LARC-V wheeled truck that carried medics, and further four LARC-Vs in a rear formation that carried cannons and deployed on the airport.

VAR 15 oveerseeing the Royal Marines:

All five LARC-Vs parked in Stanley:

As established in the analysis of the books cited in The First Casualty, VAO 17 was the only one of the Amphibious Vehicles Battalion that wasn't operative at the moment of operación Rosario, for lack of spare parts.